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Building a Shipping Container Home in Delaware – The Complete Guide

Building a Shipping Container Home in Delaware – The Complete Guide

If you haven’t yet heard about shipping container homes, you are missing out on one of the most innovative and cost-effective new build options on the market. They are worth your consideration and investment, especially if you’re looking to design your dream residential build in Delaware.

Shipping containers were originally created to expedite international trade, but now they’ve gained a new life as the top recycled home concept. Since the beginning of the 21st century, shipping containers have been repurposed as cargotecture – aka architecture made out of cargo boxes.

Read on to learn more about the shipping container home trend and how you can start building a shipping container home in Delaware today.

Shipping Container Homes in Delaware

Delaware may be known for having no state sales tax, but the real reason you should want to move there is for its stunning beaches. With the majority of the state facing the Atlantic Ocean, you can enjoy the ease of coastal life in your new shipping container home in Delaware. Or, with the affordable price of a shipping container home, you can purchase land near the bustling urban spaces of Wilmington or Dover. You can afford to design your Delaware getaway with a new shipping container home!

There are really only three steps you need to consider when building a shipping container home in Delaware – a plot of land, a floor plan, and your budget. Shipping containers can come together in as little as 8 weeks, so get working!

What is a Shipping Container Home?

Australia may have put the modern shipping container home trend on the map, but shipping containers have a history dating back to 1956.

Your future shipping container home merges innovation and recycling to give you fashionable and affordable housing. It’s exactly what you think – an empty shipping container that works as the walls, ceiling, and floor for your new custom home. With its metal frame construction, your new shipping container home will withstand the test of time. And you can achieve the open concept industrial aesthetic of modern homes across America.

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Why Should I Build a Shipping Container Home in Delaware?

You don’t just have to recycle cans and invest in reusable glass dishes to reduce your carbon footprint anymore. With the help of a shipping container home in Delaware, your entire home can help you commit to the health of the planet. You can join the tiny house trend and enjoy the open concept of one shipping container home conversion. Or with the easy interlocking design of shipping containers, you can have the biggest home you want – with unique and fashionable curb appeal.

A shipping container home doesn’t require a concrete foundation, which can also cut down on cost. Plus, because “shipping” is in the name of your new home, your new home materials require little effort to get to your desired building location.

Commit to an unparalleled design and budget-friendly residence when you begin your shipping container home in Delaware!

How much does a shipping container home in Delaware cost?

The shipping container trend is gaining speed because of its affordability, but you still need to keep your budget in mind throughout your project. Some of the best ways to keep your final building bill low are to commit to only one or two shipping containers or to choose only one or two custom designs you want to add to your new home. Maybe you go thrifting for other pieces in your Delaware shipping container home!

A shipping container home in Delaware will usually cost somewhere between $12,500 and $102,000. In contrast, the average cost of a traditional newly constructed home in Delaware is around $400,000. And unfortunately, supply chain issues have only negatively impacted the costs of building materials.

When you compare the budget needed for a shipping container home in Delaware to a traditional home new build, the value of a shipping container home investment should be even more clear. One of the sneaky costs that aren’t involved in the original dollar amount of a shipping container home is the land you’ll have to purchase in Delaware. But you can still find several acres of land for an affordable price, which still makes the overall cost of your shipping container home construction lower than a traditional home. Plus, you can always resell your shipping container home at a profit, thanks to the rising popularity of this home design!

Shipping Container Home Builders in Delaware

How to Choose a Builder for a Shipping Container Home in Delaware

After you’ve purchased your land and committed to a budget, you need to find a shipping container home builder you can trust. This is a new enough trend that using a search engine to look up “shipping container home builders” might not get you many results. Instead, you should look for a local company that has experience in metal building home construction. That way, they already know everything there is to know about maximizing the steel frame of shipping containers to make a long-lasting, sustainable home for you and your family.

Here are three great shipping container home builders in Delaware you should check out today:

CW Dwellings

Based out of Wayne, Pennsylvania, CW Dwellings is just around the corner from your Delaware property. They specialize in shipping container home construction. From design to installation, they offer their customers the experience and support needed to make a high-quality shipping container home.

SnapSpace Solutions

SnapSpace Solutions may be based out of Maine, but they also have a Delaware office to guarantee local support for your shipping container build. They actually create shipping steel shipping containers for the sole purpose of real estate use.

Parker Construction, Inc

With Michael Parker’s experience in renovation and home restoration, he offers a unique set of skills that would greatly benefit your shipping container home construction. Parker Construction is based out of Claymont, Delaware, which again guarantees you easy access to the local business you’re supporting.

Shipping Container Homes for Sale in Delaware Shipping Container Marketplace helps buyers learn what shipping container is suitable for them and help them. With over 60 depots and thousands of containers on hand, they offer great prices for shipping containers. They have online direct checkout and a digital cart to help you find what you are looking for!

Harper Steel

Harper Steel has been in business since 2001. They have been providing high-quality shipping containers for their customers since then. They have 10, 20, and 40 shipping containers available for you to choose from.

East Coast Container

East Coast Container sells both new and used shipping containers for residential and commercial containers. They offer containers of all different sizes and quality, and each has a personal guarantee.

K&K Containers

K&K Containers can help you find the new or used shipping container you are searching for in Delaware. They have been in business for over 20 years with a great track record for customer service. They offer containers that are 10-45 feet so you are sure to find what you are looking for.

Designing a Floor Plan for a Shipping Container Home in Delaware

Designing a Floor Plan for a Shipping Container Home in Delaware

The final step of your shipping container home journey is choosing a floor plan that will best support your new Delaware residential lifestyle. What you want to include in your floor plan will determine the number of shipping containers you need to buy and help you better understand where you want to make the biggest purchases for your home.

From a shipping container pool to a tiny home layout, there are so many options for your shipping container home. As soon as you make a list of your preferred customization projects, you will know how big your shipping container home will need to be.

If you’re still stuck on dreaming up your shipping container home edit, you will love our shipping container home gallery. Featuring shipping container homes from around the world, it’s a great resource to help get your creative ideas going.

To help get your creative construction brain going, check out these 5 homes from our shipping home container gallery:

How to Finance and Get Insurance for your Shipping Container Home in Delaware

Shipping container homes initially gained traction as a new build option after natural disasters around the world. You’ll love your shipping container home because it is more resilient than a traditional build or trailer home. But even with the long life of your new shipping container home, you still need to get building and home insurance for your shipping container home.

One of the main issues you’ll experience in response to your shipping container home is obtaining financing and insurance. Basically, insurance companies and mortgage lenders don’t know what to do with new housing trends like shipping container homes, so they don’t know how to appraise the value of your unique build.

To guarantee financing, you will have to do some of your own research. Make sure you know about building codes in the Delaware area where you are building and that you are working with a shipping container home builder who isn’t going to cut corners. You can also reach out to a home appraiser yourself to help you put together more information you can pass on to a mortgage or insurance company.


Now that you’ve read through our Delaware guide, the only thing left is to start building your shipping container home! Feel free to also check out our shipping container home FAQs, including our tips on how to make your shipping container home more eco-friendly. Or read more about shipping container homes on our blog, where you’ll see content like how to build a shipping container pool in 7 steps.

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Container Home Hub is not a shipping container home construction company. While we do our best to make sure our information is accurate, please contact a professional shipping container home builder for information. Container Home Hub is also a blog and does not independently sell shipping container houses and/or shipping container house plans. Container Home Hub currently uses advertisements from a third-party advertising site in addition to occasional affiliate links.