Greetings from Atlanta! 🙂 One of the greatest parts of creating such a supportive community here on Container Home Hub for non-traditional homes is meeting the people who build them. Was this helpful? Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!
Greetings from Georgia! 🙂 This tiny container home may not have a grand story yet but it looks like the perfect to start! Located in Buford, Georgia we, at Container Home Hub, found this tiny shipping container home on the Facebook Marketplace. Was this helpful? Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!
Greetings from Georgia! 🙂 Two blocks south of Edgewood Avenue, in the less baby-strollered reaches of the Old Fourth Ward, these twin stacks of shipping container homes have Was this helpful? Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!
Greetings from Atlanta! 🙂 Experience tiny living the next time you visit Atlanta in this green, eco-friendly urban retreat. Tucked in a meadow of native flowers & tall grasses, The ATL Tiny Eco Containers are two separate 20-foot shipping container homes available for nightly rental through Airbnb. They share a patio & fire pit, and …
Greetings from Georgia! 🙂 This “Container Cabin” is an 8′ x 20′ container that has been upscaled into a tiny shipping container home. It has a double bed, bathroom with shower, small sitting area and hotel-style kitchenette with coffee pot, microwave and mini-fridge. The Was this helpful? Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!
Grab Our 18 Month Pre-Building Checklist! Sign up below to get your free 18 month rebuild checklist and join our email list! Email address Grab checklist now! Thanks for joining our email list. Check your email for your free pre-building checklist and timeline! Greetings from Atlanta! 🙂 This is a brand new, fully furnished …
Greetings from Georgia! 🙂 Today’s home is incredibly special. So far, we have written about homes that are the homeowner’s main residence, but this shipping container home is actually on a wooded compound which includes a main house and efficiency apartment. In putting this article together, we read several articles on the builders, why …