You know we’re stuck with a new housing trend when it gets its own show on HGTV – and that rings just as true for shipping container homes. But shipping container homes in Montana are more than a trend. This is the sustainable, cutting-edge, and budget-friendly home you didn’t know you wanted until now.
Shipping container history dates back to the 1950s when an American businessman designed these steel boxes for transporting international goods. But now they have been reimagined as schools, swimming pools, and now your dream eco-friendly tiny home.
Read on to learn more about the shipping container home trend and how you can start building a shipping container home in Montana today.
Shipping Container Homes in Montana
Montana may be known for Yellowstone National Park, along with having the most bookstores per capita in the United States. But you should consider building a shipping container home in Montana because of the low property taxes. When you build a shipping container home in Montana, you can enjoy the state’s natural beauty from your own backyard. Or with the money you save with your shipping container home, you can enjoy the city life of Billings or Missoula without having to break the bank. You can experience budget-friendly, long-lasting housing in Montana thanks to shipping container homes!
A shipping container home can take as little as 8 weeks to be fully complete, which means most of the timeline for your new home will be spent researching the process and making connections with shipping home builders.
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Thanks to the durable structure of shipping containers, they have been reimagined into a variety of structures over the past 60 years. But it’s actually due to their sustainability in the face of natural disasters that the shipping container home trend initially took off.
A shipping container home combines innovation and earth-friendly construction to give you a home that is worth your investment. You can achieve an industrial facade without having to purchase an old factory or other historically urban builds. This is done by using the steel frame of a shipping container to give you an open-concept home with customizable floor plan options.
Why Should I Build a Shipping Container Home in Montana?
Shipping container homes give you the option of a customizable floor plan that is as large or as small as you want. And you can do all of this with the help of eco-friendly, prefabricated supplies. This means you can commit to constructing a green home that is far more affordable than you think.
You will also save on building a new shipping container home in Montana because of the minimal foundation needs and ease of building supply transportation. Shipping containers can do exactly what their name says – they can ship to your building site cheaply and simply.
When you choose to build a shipping container home in Montana, you a committing to a home that everyone is going to talk about and you can be proud of for years to come!
How much does a shipping container home in Montana cost?
Many people choose to build a shipping container home in Montana as a second residence, which means it’s more important than ever to keep your budget in mind. You can definitely build a new shipping container home at a much more affordable price than a traditional build, but you might be surprised to find out where your money actually goes in any new build project. Remember, both projects also require that you purchase the land where you plan to build.
A shipping container home in Montana will usually cost somewhere between $15,000 and $50,000. The average cost of a traditional newly constructed home in Montana may be around $400,000, but don’t let that deceive you. Unlike a shipping container home, you may have to wait some time for many traditional home building supplies to be available.
The value of a shipping container home should be obvious when you compare the initial price of a shipping container home to the average traditional home new build const in Montana. Purchasing land for your new construction can also add a rather large amount to the final bill of your shipping container home in Montana. But even with this step, the overall cost of your shipping container home construction stays at a much cheaper level than a new traditional build. And you can always flip your shipping container home and sell it for a profit!
Shipping Container Home Builders in Montana
You can rest assured you have connected with the right shipping home container builder by looking at online reviews or connecting with previous clients of the company. Due to the style of shipping container homes, you will often be working with an all-in-one business for your building supplies and contractor work. For this reason, you want to make sure you connect with a shipping home container builder who has established good relationships with people they’ve worked for in the past. Then you can reach out to the company you feel can best bring your shipping home container fantasy to life.
Start with these 3 builders when looking for a potential construction company for your new shipping container home in Montana:
Colorado Container Homes
Based out of Kiowa, Colorado, this company has also worked with clients in Montana in the past. They offer three easy steps for their process: choose a size, make modifications, then choose pick up or delivery.
Kauffman Builders
While Kauffman Builders has not directly worked with shipping container home construction in the past, they have experience in metal building design. For this reason, they would be a great local option to consider for your shipping container home project.
Montana Build
Montana Build specializes in western American luxury homes. If you are looking to create a more high-end shipping container home, they would be a great building company option.
Shipping Container Homes for Sale in Montana Shipping Container Marketplace helps buyers learn what shipping container is suitable for them and help them. With over 60 depots and thousands of containers on hand, they offer great prices for shipping containers. They have online direct checkout and a digital cart to help you find what you are looking for!
MoCan Containers
MoCan containers began selling shipping containers in 2016. Be sure to stop buy or visit them online to find the right shipping container for you. They also can help you move your existing shipping container.
Columbia Containers Online
Columbia Containers offers a variety of container sizes from 10 feet to 40 feet. These containers are bear-proof, pest proof, and resilient to the elements. They have been in the industry of shipping containers since 1973.
Designing a Floor Plan for a Shipping Container Home in Montana
Outside of the location for your new shipping container home in Montana, the floor plan is the next most important detail. This will determine how many shipping containers you need to buy to achieve the square footage of your ideal home space.
Shipping containers can be reused for any part of your home that you can dream up, from a lofted living space to a customized outdoor swimming pool. As soon as you choose the main custom projects you want to invest in for your shipping container home, you will be able to lay out a floor plan and get started on building your new shipping container getaway.
If you still aren’t sure where to start, make sure to check out our shipping container home gallery, featuring shipping container home projects from around the world.
To help get your creative construction brain going, check out these five homes from our shipping home container gallery:
- Ed Van Cleve’s Arizona container home
- David Wade’s New Zealand container home
- Rock Creek Indiana Container Home
- Oak Street container home
- Rochelle Dr container home
How to Finance and Get Insurance for your Shipping Container Home in Montana
You already know that a shipping container home can save you a lot of money as a new construction. However, it can get a little tricky to get financial support from a mortgage lender or insurance company on a housing project like this.
The main reason for this is simple, and so is the workaround. Basically, shipping container homes are still too new and housing finance companies don’t yet know how to categorize them. As a result, you will have to do some extra work to guarantee financing for your shipping container home, but it’s not impossible.
First, make sure you have a clear vision for the final product you want out of your shipping container home. Specific building details give a bank better information on what they are investing in.
Second, make sure you have researched building codes in the area of Montana where you plan to build. This is more direct information you can bring both to the construction company you choose to work with and to potential financial backers of your project.
Finally, you can always reach out directly to an appraiser who can help you determine the specific value of your shipping container home vision.
Now that you’ve read our Montana guide, the only thing left is to start building your shipping container home! Feel free to also check out our shipping container home FAQs, including our list of shipping container home pros and cons. Or read more about shipping container homes on our blog, where you’ll see content like these fun facts and shipping container statistics.