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Greetings from Michigan! 🙂

This beautiful shipping container home in Royal Oak, Michigan is one of the most unique and easily recognizable houses in town. This is not only because of its inspiring use of reclaimed materials, but also its beautiful design in spite of that. Built by C3 UP in Michigan, this home has a basic construction made up of seven upcycled shipping containers.

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Working within the built-in limitations of that design, they were able to construct a floor plan that rivals any modern, traditionally constructed home. We love the contemporary look and the unique touches that make this shipping container house a real eye catcher with legitimate curb appeal.

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

The four large front windows bring in a wealth of natural light that might otherwise be lost in a traditionally designed home. In order to keep that light while still maintaining privacy, two of those windows are covered with a two story screen that matches the dark wood of the exterior.

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

This screen not only promotes a separation of the outside and inside, it also contributes to the designer quality style of the exterior. Matching this with the dark wood of the siding trim and the brick of the entryway is a fantastic touch that makes it more than just functional. It is an eye-catching accent piece as well.

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home
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Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

The interior belies the shipping container construction even more than the exterior does. The dark colors might have a tendency to make the living spaces seem smaller were it not for the large picture windows and high ceilings. This is just one of the ways that the interior of this shipping container house has much more than meets the eye.

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

The kitchen’s industrial feel is a nod to the original usage of the home’s materials. With stainless steel appliances and a dark gray paint scheme, we love how it manages to combine a contemporary feel while still retaining some of the elements of the shipping containers themselves. The original red paint peeks through in places and provides a fantastic contrast to the dark colors of the walls, cabinets and floors.

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home
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Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

This tribute to the industrial past of the upcycled materials continues in the exposed ductwork that snakes throughout the home. Along with the corrugated siding of the original shipping containers in the ceiling, it is a functional touch that gives off a vibe that embodies both the past and the future.

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

The stainless cable railings that run along the staircase and the upstairs loft are another industrial nod and we love how they are able to remain functional without closing off those spaces to the rest of the house. It is an ingenious way to give the illusion of more space that might not otherwise be visible, and therefore, not useful.

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home
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Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

The bedroom is also ornately decorated with elements that pay tribute to the past in a contemporary setting. Things like victorian mirrors painted in a flat black and an opulent chandelier instantly put you in a different place than the rest of this shipping container house. These references to the old styles are what bring the warmth that makes this feel like a well loved and cozy home.

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

The upstairs bedroom leads out to an outdoor Zen garden that is a perfect match to the rest of the home’s modern design. As yet another nod to the past that also embraces the future, it is without a doubt the crown jewel of this shipping container home. Sitting out there and enjoying the sunshine is a fantastic way to get the most out of a simple design.

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

Royal Oak Shipping Container Home

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